Subhash Palekar Books In Hindi ((NEW)) 📎

Subhash Palekar Books In Hindi ((NEW)) 📎


Subhash Palekar Books In Hindi

In today’s world food system the pace of modernisation is faster than any other development and our agricultural practices have been in lockstep with this rush of change. In recent times we have seen very poor changes in agricultural practices globally. In the case of Indian agriculture, it continues to act as a leisure industry. The big question is how to adjust the productive forces in line with the changing requirements of society?

That the answer lies in a non-western system of agriculture we cannot deny. These systems include natural farming, crop rotation, livestock production, using manure or by-products as livestock feed, increasing soil organic matter, using ecology and megastructures to integrate land into the biosphere. There is no one system but there is a need to integrate the attainment of multiple goals into a holistic agenda. With this writing, Sama leaves an indelible impression of what might make agriculture the lowest impact, low cost, zero emission food system by 2050

In the modern world ‘natural’ means just ‘exceptions’ and ‘non-natural’ has to be a variation with no negative effect. History has experimented with all kinds of crops and livestock, choosing residue over waste, and in the process built an entirely new system of agriculture. This book provides a detailed description of some of that, in the context of what we already know about organic farming. I hope to answer some of the many questions you might have. And I hope to provide a starting point from which others with the same questions can build their own paths towards a balanced sustainable future for all.

In Palekar’s opinion, chemical fertilizers cause soil erosion and raise energy consumption. He designed and implemented six low-maintenance farming techniques to lower greenhouse gas emissions. These methods can be implemented in a large- or small-scale farming system, whether as a hobby, or as a full-time occupation. Many of these methods were developed and popularized in his books [5][6]
